The book's author leads the sessions from her own home computer--broadcasting live to sites in any part of the world and in any time zone.
Learn directly from the author and creator of the work. 
Online experiences offer access to the practitioners who developed the work.

Learn at a time and place convenient to you. 
Computers and Internet access make scheduling easier for both the participants and the presenters. Educators can attend sessions in their own schools or homes. A day-long session is easily broken into several shorter sessions that can be offered days, weeks, or months apart. Online sessions can be scheduled on in-service days. Time zones become irrelevant.

Learn with others--either onsite or geographically distant. 
--Small school districts can partner with one another and schedule online sessions for both.
--Large rural school systems in which individual schools have a small number of faculty members hundreds of miles from the next nearest school can conduct joint online professional learning experiences.
--A school in Hawaii can collaborate with a school in Massachusetts to coordinate the timing of an online session and share the expenses. 
--Individual educators with a common interest can attend--wherever they live.

Learn at a fraction of the cost of face-to-face presentations. 
Without the costs of a face-to-face presenter’s airfare, hotels, ground transportation, and meals, online workshops are far less expensive (and easier to schedule and re-schedule). 
Click here for a Fee Schedule.

Learn by reviewing the online workshop recording. 
All online workshops are easily recorded. Streaming links allow anyone who had to miss the session to view a video.
Desert Harbor Elementary School
Foothills Elementary School
Peoria, Arizona

Kodiak Island Borough School District
Kodiak, Alaska

Meridian School District
Meridian, Idaho

Integrated Arts Academy
Burlington, Vermont

Selma Public Schools
Selma, Alabama

Society for Kona’s Education and Art
Kona, Hawaii

St. Joseph Public Schools
St. Joseph, Missouri

DesMoines Public Schools
DesMoines, Iowa       Click to read details.
"The online workshop format is future-friendly because it is so easy and inexpensive to make changes as the work develops. I repeatedly improve the slides I show when I get new photos, insert new slides when I note missing information, and add new videos clips as I acquire them. This medium—unlike videos, CDs, and DVDs— genuinely allows the planning, presenting, and evaluating spiral we endorse in workshop development."
Partial List of Online Clients
Session 1
Beginning Curriculum-Based Readers Theatre with Students

Session 2
Collaborating with students on an original CBRT Script

Session 3
Involving Students in Independent Script-writing

Session 4
Staging a Curriculum-Based Readers Theatre Performance

This way of learning will grow and improve as we all head into the future. 
It’s no longer “if”— it’s “how.” 
Learn the Curriculum-Based Readers Theatre process completely online
Online Professional Learning
See for yourself!
-Rosalind Flynn
Author and Creator 
of the online workshop series
Four Online Session Topics
Benefits of Learning Online
Quotes that Promote